Hello to you wherever in the world you are reading this. I hope you’ve had a good week so far. On review today is a You version devotional. I pray you will be blessed by it, in Jesus name, Amen.

This devotional is targeted at people who are struggling with anxiety, depression, or trauma, feelings that make it difficult to communicate with God. However, I believe we all go through some form of emotional upheaval in our day-to-day and I believe this devotional gives thought provoking and practical ways to let off steam by speaking to God.

Kobe Campbell is a licensed trauma therapist and a Christian counsellor. Through this 7-day devotional, she prompts you to do some daily exercises. These actions will help you communicate and stay closer to God in the midst of the emotional pains which will improve both your mental and spiritual health. The steps she highlighted are:

  1. Take a moment of vulnerability and call God by one of the names the Israelites called him (these were listed out in the devotional). A name that best sooths the pain. So the action to take is, place a hand on your heart, close your eyes, and repeat “|God’s name|, you are here. Mine went like so, “Jehovah Nissi, you are here.The author encourages doing this when you have those emotional setbacks
  2. Honestly share with God the heaviness that you feel in your heart
  3. Make your request to God about what he could do to take the pain away, a request that you know he alone can do.
  4. Remind God of his motivation by calling on his promises and characteristics from the scripture. When we remind God of the reasons he should grant our requests, we are actually reminding ourselves of his character and causing ourselves to re-evaluate what people say about God and our situation.
  5. Communicate your confidence and trust in God by reflecting and drawing on all the good things he has done for you.

The author calls this process of, and steps to letting go, Lament. She says it is therapeutic, improves mental health, and creates more room for to worship our heavenly father and nurture spiritual fruits which enhances our spiritual maturity.

I really encourage you to read this devotional, either by yourself or with friends and family. It is only seven days long and most of the scripture readings were taken from Psalms. I hope you find the steps given by the author very helpful.

Stay blessed,

1nebody Team