Hello Amazing Reader,

Trust you had a wonderful week reeling in God’s blessings? We did over here, and we give all the glory to God.

The last week of the month is almost upon us. If you are connected to the Dunamis Family, you’d already know the implication of that πŸ™‚ It’s time for the July edition of worship and wonders night.

Themed, Judgmental praise, several ministers of the gospel will be present to lead God’s people in warfare praise – the kind that gets God unleashing vengeance in the camp of your enemies.

It’ll hold in two sessions- morning and evening on Friday 29th July 2022 at the Glory Dome, Abuja, Nigeria. If you are able to physically attend, please endeavour to do so. If unable to, you can connect online.

God bless you,

1nebody crew