Hello people,

Happy weekend! I am super excited about this news. Hallelujah Challenge will be 7 years in June. Can I get an Amen?! Whoop! Whoop! Isn’t God wonderful?! Pastor Nathaniel announced on his Instagram page a few days ago that a documentary will be released on the 1st of June to mark the 7 years of God’s faithfulness over this vision.

Honestly, I was hoping he’d say another Hallelujah Challenge edition would be held in June to celebrate. But, fortunately, we have to wait till October. Until then, let’s continue to lift Pastor Nathaniel and the entire Hallelujah Challenge team in prayers that God will continue to strengthen them for His work. Greater work than this will they do in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen. So, be expectant, 1st June!

God bless,
