“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11 Hello Amazing One, Thank you for taking some time to read… Continue Reading →
I believe we all go through some form of emotional upheaval in our day-to-day and I believe this devotional gives though provoking and practical ways to let off steam by speaking to God.
I will bless the Lord for all reasons
This is a song that celebrates the magnificence and power of the Spirit of God and all the wonderful works he is doing in our world and our lives.
Hello Dear One, It’s the last Thursday in May 2022. The months seem to be going by rather quickly, right? In a few days, we’ll be welcoming the new month of June. Blessed be the Lord! I heard one of… Continue Reading →
How do we go about restoring marriages and rebuilding homes? The same way we would eat an elephant, one bite at a time. It has to be done one marriage, one family, one victory at a time.
Hello Amazing One, It’s always a delight to have you stop by. Trust your week has been great. On today’s review edition, we’ll be sharing highlights from Sam Adeyemi’s book, The Parable of Dollars- our current read on the 1nebody… Continue Reading →
Hello Amazing One, Trust the new month has been nothing short of wonderful for you and yours? Wonders, new mercies and grace will continually be your experience, in Jesus name. Speaking about God’s love and mercies, Nigerian Gospel artiste, Moses… Continue Reading →
Did you know that there are opportunities in every single day for you?
“My praise will never be enough
My worship is more than just a song
You love me more than I deserve”
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