Revealing Jesus

Tag #Bookreview

God is in the details- Anu Olorunsogo Ebozoje

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Hello Amazing Reader,  I hope you’ve had a great week so far.  Do you ever find yourself staring at nature? Maybe the skies, plants, trees, rainfall, hailstones, snow, or other elements?  Something similar happened to Anu Olorunsogo Ebozoje, the author… Continue Reading →

Keep the devil Out of Your Home – Faith Oyedepo

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Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a blessed Thursday. Spring is finally here in the UK after we’ve waited and made it through a rainy and cold April. We bless God for this new season that is upon us and… Continue Reading →

Godly Seeds – Damilola C. Kadiri

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Happy New Month 1nebody family! Welcome to February. May we all experience the grace of God like never before in this month of February, in Jesus name, Amen. Today, I will be reviewing Dami’s second book, Godly Seeds. For those… Continue Reading →

THE MAN GOD USES– Oswald J. Smith

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Hello Amazing Reader, Trust your week has been great. Many thanks for your patience with us. Our website has been in and out due to some technical glitches, but we’re now a lot closer to getting it permanently resolved. Thank… Continue Reading →

Soul Winning- A Classic on Biblical Christianity by T.L. Osborn

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Hello Amazing One, How are things with you? In the past few posts, we’ve shared quite a lot from T.L. Osborn’s masterpiece on soul winning, but we’re not done just yet.  Please come along as we share some additional action… Continue Reading →

Becoming A Leader- Myles Munroe

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Hello Amazing one, Trust you are well, and your week has been awesome?  This review is based on our current read on the 1nebody book club, Becoming a Leader by Myles Munroe. In this post, I share my key takeaways… Continue Reading →

7 Signposts to Your Assignment –Mike Murdock

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You will only be remembered for two things-the problems you solve or the ones you create.
Mike Murdock


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“The Holy Spirit is the performer.” That was one of the major highlights from Chapters 1-4 of Benny Hinn’s “Good Morning Holy Spirit.” While discussing these chapters at 1nebody’s book club session, it brought to life the function of the… Continue Reading →

Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant: Guide to Financial Freedom- Robert T. Kiyosaki

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Hi readers, welcome to the month of March! In today’s review, we would take a deep into the second of the popular Rich dad, Poor dad series, “Cashflow Quadrant.” Investment and wealth management structures have evolved with technology over time…. Continue Reading →

UNDAUNTED- Tolulope Tunde Ajiboye

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Hello Dear One, How’s your week been? It’s been an amazing week for our team and we thank God for His mercies. Also, we sincerely apologize for the late post, we hope you forgive us 🤗🤗 It’s a book review… Continue Reading →

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