Hello Dear One,
How’s your week been? It’s been an amazing week for our team and we thank God for His mercies. Also, we sincerely apologize for the late post, we hope you forgive us 🤗🤗
It’s a book review edition today, and it’s so dear to us because the author has graced our showcase edition a number of times. You can read her previous sessions here and here.
In addition to a review shared by one of the readers of Undaunted, TTA also shares a snippet of her book with us.
This book is a story of the author’s personal experiences, a collection of the processes that brought her to where she is and affirmations that anyone can create virtue from the most severe circumstances. She seeks to let you know that despite every challenge that has come your way, you can become what God wants you to become; if only you are unflinching and determined. Invariably, you would find out that your processes bring you to a place of brokenness where God can easily use you to strengthen and heal others.
I met the author fifteen years ago and took note of her free spiritedness. She knew God loved her unconditionally and therefore she did not need to put on a religious facade to please Him. No wonder she is able to write a message of God’s love to everyone who has been through a rough path.
Through Undaunted, she iterates that God knows our weaknesses and flaws but loves us still. Truly, we cannot make God love us more or less; no one has the capacity to impress Him. God knew and loved us before we were conceived and His love is unconditional and endless. He is looking to use that willing person who will believe in and rely on Him. Such a person has to be one who is proud of what God did, is doing, can do and who is willing to show his / her scars to others in order to bring healing to them.
Here’s a snippet from the book:

Captivating right? The entire read is available for you, simple follow this link to get your copy.
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