Hello Amazing One,

It’s exactly two months to Christmas 🎄🎅🏾 If you haven’t started already, you may want to begin putting together your Christmas plans 😀

Do you realize God is as mindful of your thoughts as He is to your prayers?  Ephesians 3:20 (KJV) states, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”

Many times we deny ourselves from our long desired testimonies because while we are asking for one thing, our thoughts are on a completely different frequency. God to whom we express our desires in prayers also has access to our thoughts. Thus, we should guard our hearts diligently to ensure our thoughts are well aligned with our prayers.

For example, you may be praying and believing God for crowning blessings as the year gradually draws to a close; at the same time your heart may be expecting pockets of negative occurrences because society has unconsciously told you that the end of year is full of evil tidings. God is privy to your prayers and your thoughts, and He’s wondering which of the two you desire?

Good thing is, we can engage the help of the Holy Spirit to achieve this congruence. As we do, may we experience answers to our prayers in Jesus name.

God’s blessings always