Hello, Amazing Readers,

I hope you are having a good start to September already. This month will be the best yet for us all, in Jesus’ name, Amen. Meditation Monday this week is about you, others, and God. I hope you will be blessed by it.

Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? Lamentations 3:37 KJV. And my own interpretation of this verse for today’s meditation is, why worry so much about what other people say and think of you when God approves of all that you do? Whose validation is more important to you, God’s or people’s?

My belief is that Matthew 6:33 which says “seek ye first the kingdom of God” also speaks of this. Seeking God’s validation above all else; is what is the most important. God has pronounced us as the salt and light of the world. He has commanded you to let your light so shine, and show forth his glory (Matthew 5:13-16; Isaiah 60:1). That is the validation that you need!

This is why the bible says to do everything well as though you do it unto God because it is his approval that we must receive. You are not where you are by chance, God has sent you there for a reason. Therefore, you are doing God’s work. Remember, God does not do mediocrity, everything he does, he does with excellence. So, to receive his validation, you must do everything well to the best of your abilities. If God says you have done well, nobody can say otherwise. So, forget what others think of you, forget what you have always thought of yourself and run after the approval of your father in heaven.

God bless,

1nebody Team