“O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.Psalm 94:1

Hi Fam,

Trust your weekend has been great? We thought it’d be great to invite you to a special service holding across all branches of Living Faith Church, tomorrow 15th August 2021. It’s tagged, “Covenant Day of Vengeance.” Not just that, it doubles as an anointing service.

Recall the parable of the unjust judge in Luke 18? A widow had been crying to him to avenge her of her adversary, but the judge wouldn’t grant her request. Yet that didn’t stop her. She kept asking and eventually, the judge gave in.

Thankfully, our God isn’t an unjust judge. Perhaps you have been praying for God’s vengeance for a while, but your answer is yet to come through. We encourage you to attend any of the Living Faith locations close to you with an expectant heart. You are also welcome to join the service online, from 6 am (WAT). This time, we believe God with you that you will receive an answer of peace. Amen.