Hello Dear One,

Did you miss that title? Could you go over it again. It would help to read it a bit more slowly. Yes, there is power at work in you and it’s the Holy Ghost power; Hallelujah!!! When you come to understand this in very clear terms, you’ll be reeling with so much excitement.

As a new testament saint, the Holy Spirit is God’s gift to you. He is with you to teach, guide, instruct, empower, you to do all that Jesus and the apostles did.

The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) record the great and mighty wonders Jesus wrought on His days on earth. Mind you, those narratives were not staged, they really did happen. Talk about healing the sick, raising the dead, restoring the lost, giving hope to the hopeless…all of these were actual events.

Before Jesus left, He introduced the disciples to the Holy Spirit, letting them know that He would always be with them after He (Jesus) ascended to heaven. And as a result, they would be able to do all they had seen Him do. Consequently, the apostles carried on powerfully, working out signs and wonders as we see in the book of Acts. Their ministries experienced a similitude of Jesus’ acts. The dead got restored to life, the sick received instant healing, the least likely people (gentiles) received the gift of salvation, the gospel spread rapidly through the miracles, signs and wonders wroth through their ministry.

Thankfully, you have the same Holy Spirit, even today. Which makes you able to carry on the works of Jesus. Thus, every act of God you see in the Bible is replicable through you.

Ephesians 3:20 (God’s word) states, “ Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power he can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.”

Go into the new week with the consciousness that the power of God is at work in you and through it, you’re set to overcome!